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Louisville KY 40207

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Frequently Asked Questions About Facelifts…

In the next section of our facelift guide, we are going to answer some common questions you may have about the procedure.

How long is the recovery process?
Everyone heals differently but most patients take around 2 weeks to recover from a typical facelift.

Will there be a scar?
Any surgical process leaves some type of scar, however Dr. O’Daniel is an expert at scar minimization. He uses an endoscopic process as well as other less invasive techniques whenever possible to minimize the size and appearance of incision sites, and is able to hide any scaring in the hairline or folds of the ears.

Is it painful?
Facelifts are not usually considered to be a painful procedure. Some swelling and bruising is to be expected, but modern techniques allow Dr. O’Daniel to perform facelifts with very minimal swelling. Medication will be prescribed for pain as needed.

Can I drive home after my facelift?
No, you must arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery.

How long does the surgery take?
The surgery usually takes about 4 hours but this number can vary according to the work being done.

Will I need to come back for a follow-up appointment after my facelift?
Patients usually return to our office during the second week following a facelift so that we can check their healing progress and remove their sutures. Additional follow-up appointments will be issued as needed.

Can I have other procedures done at the same time as my facelift?
Yes, many times it is recommended to combine your facelift with other procedures such as rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and chin liposuction to achieve the desired results.

Previous – Facelift facts part 3 – types of facelifts
Next – Facelift facts part 5 – aftercare and recovery

Dr. O’Daniel

Louisville Plastic Surgeon combines science and art to achieve harmony, proportion and balance at his Louisville plastic surgery office. He brings extensive training and experience and 30 years of experience to the full spectrum of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, with dual board certifications in facial plastic surgery and plastic surgery, fellowship training in facial nerve surgery and craniofacial surgery and pediatric plastic surgery.

To know more about Dr. O’Daniel -- Click Here

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