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Facelift Aftercare and Recovery

One of the most important parts of any facelift is protecting the work during the first few weeks following surgery.

  • A dressing that is to be worn for a few days will be applied directly following your facelift. We will give you specific instructions on how to wear and change this dressing at the time of your appointment.
  • It is important to keep your head elevated at all times including during sleep for the first few weeks following surgery. Keeping your head elevated will help to reduce swelling and protect the incision sites.
  • There may be some pain or discomfort in the days following your surgery. You will be prescribed pain medication as needed so that you are comfortable during the recovery process. Severe pain after a facelift is rare. If you experience a significant amount of pain for more than 48 hours after surgery please contact Dr. O’Daniel.
  • Avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medication for at least 2 weeks before and after surgery.
  • Stay away from strenuous activities for at least 3 weeks following a facelift. Strenuous activity can raise blood pressure and increase the chance of swelling and bleeding.
  • Wear sunscreen and sunglasses when going outside during the month after surgery. Your face will be highly susceptible to sunburn after your facelift and direct exposure to the sun can cause damage and irregular healing. Stay away from the sun and other sources of heat as much as possible.
  • Rest as much as possible! Any surgery takes a toll on the body. Give your body the strength it needs for a speedy recovery by keeping yourself well rested and not rushing the healing process.

Complete recovery time will vary according to the patient as well as the extent of the work you had done. Before your procedure you will be given more detailed aftercare instructions that are specific to the work you are having done. Follow these instructions as carefully to protect the results of your facelift and ensure a successful recovery.

Previous – Facelift facts part 4 – frequently asked questions

Dr. O’Daniel

Louisville Plastic Surgeon combines science and art to achieve harmony, proportion and balance at his Louisville plastic surgery office. He brings extensive training and experience and 30 years of experience to the full spectrum of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, with dual board certifications in facial plastic surgery and plastic surgery, fellowship training in facial nerve surgery and craniofacial surgery and pediatric plastic surgery.

To know more about Dr. O’Daniel -- Click Here

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