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Scientific Presentations
and Live Surgery Highlights
Training The World’s Plastic Surgeons
Lecture and Live Surgery Highlights
- Voted Top Plastic Surgeon in Louisville, KY, by Louisville Physicians.
- 1st Place Resident Paper Missouri Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons “Computerized Mapping of the Topographic Organization of the Human Facial Nerve”
- 3rd Place Resident Paper American College of Surgeons “Somatopic Organization of the Facial Nerve”
- 1st Place Resident Paper St. Louis Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery “Innovated Composite Flaps for Lower Lip Reconstruction”
- Charles M. Edlen Award Best Resident Publication Department of Surgery
- The Second National Conference on Research Goals and Methods in Otolaryngology Scholarship
- Morgan Williams Award Department of Surgery Outstanding Surgery Student
- American Heart Association Scholarship for Research

International Saudi Plastic Surgery Congress
ISAPS Saudi Arabia
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
December 4-8, 2019
Live surgery December 6th: Deep Plane facelift, deep cervicoplasty and blepharoplasty
Gliding Browlift: A New Minimal Incision Subcutaneous Browlift
Using a Sculptor Eye to Customize Facelifts
Management and Prevention of Facelift Deformities
Comprehensive Management of the Subplatysmal Structures to Optimize Neck Lift Outcomes
Tale of Two Neck Lift: Lateral vs Anterior Approaches
The Hemostatic Net and New Applications in Aesthetic Surgery
Integration of Non-surgical Treatments into Your Surgical Practice to Retain Your Aesthetic Patients

Global Aesthetics Meeting
Miami Beach, Florida, USA
November 1-4, 2019
Gliding Brow Lift: A New Minimal Incision Subcutaneous Brow Lift
Consult Pearls: Connecting WithOur Patients
Panel: Five Tips And Pearls – From Our Practice To Yours!
Management Of The Subplatysmal Structures To Optimize Necklift Results In Selected Patients

Advanced Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation Surgery
Mastery of the Sub-SMAS and Deep Neck Lift
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
September 22-23, 2019
Co-Director of Course
Cadaver lab instructor
Lectures: Comprehensive Management of the Deep Neck Structures in Neck Lift
Cadaver Demonstration Deep Cervicoplasty

11thEurasian 2019 and ISAPS meeting Istanbul, Turkey
June 20-23, 2019
Live surgery: Facelift, Necklift and Micro-fat grafting Lectures
Gliding Brow Lift: A New Minimal Incision Subcutaneous Brow Lift
Matching the Optimal Facelift Technique with The Patient’s Aesthetic Goals
Video Guide to Demystifying Deep Central Neck Surgery
The Tale of Two Neck Lifts: A Comparison of Central vs Lateral Techniques

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery New Orleans, LA
May 18-21, 2019
Instruction course
Demystifying Management of the Deep Central Neck in Necklift Surgery

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Facial and Rhinoplasty Symposium Las Vegas, Nevada
February 1-3, 2019
Consult Pearls: Connecting with Our Patients
Gliding Brow Lift: A New Minimal Incision Subcutaneous Brow Lift
The Tale of Two Neck Lifts: A Comparison of Central vs Lateral Technique
Matching the Optimal Facelift Technique with The Patient’s Aesthetic Goals
Cadaver lab demonstration: Deep neck surgery, Gliding Browlift

ISAPS course 2019 India – Kolkatta, India
Jan 24-27, 2019
Live surgery: Facelift, necklift and facial microfat grafting
Can Cheek Grafting Replace Midface Lift?
Facial Rejuvenation – Masters class
Using a Sculptors Eye to Customize Each Facelift
Why Management of the Subplatysmal Structures is
Necessary to Optimize Necklift Outcomes

Association Espanola CirugiaEsteticaPlastica Madrid, Spain
November 22-24, 2018
Why Management of the Subplatysmal Structures is Necessary in to Optimize Outcomes Demystifying Deep Central Neck Surgery Strategy to Capture and Retain your Facelift Patient Correcting and Preventing Secondary Facelift Deformity Using Poly Lactic Acid (PLLA) to Recover Lost Fat Graft Volume

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Miami, Florida
Oct 31-Nov 4, 2018
Using the Endoscope to Teach Deep Neck Surgery
Patient Retention: Why Integration of Skin Care Is Important to Your Practice
The Clinic Multiplier: 10 strategic initiatives to grow your practice

Masters Course in Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Practical Anatomy and Surgical Education ST. Louis, Missouri
September 22-23, 2018
Comprehensive Management of the Neck
Cadaver Lab demonstration and Lab Instructor

14TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas
Nevada June, 2017
Demystifying Surgery of the Subplatysmal Structures Necklifting: An Algorithm for Achieving Optimal Results All Necks Are NOT Created Equal: Necklift For the Young Patient

American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery New York
April 26- May 1, 2018
Demystifying Treatment of the Central Neck and Subplatysmal Elements
Correction of Secondary Facelift Deformities

Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – Prana Region Curitiba, Brazil
February 27, 2018
Correction of Secondary Facelift Deformities Treatment of Central Deep Neck

10th Annual American-Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting Florianopolis, Brazil
February 22-25, 2018
Demystifying Treatment of the Central Neck and Subplatysmal Elements Using Fillers to Grow Your Practice

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Facial and Rhinoplasty Symposium Las Vegas, Nevada
February 2-5, 2018
Correction of Secondary Facelift Deformities
Strategy: Obtain and Keep Facelift Patients Sculptra for Rescue of Fat Graft Loss After Facelift with Fat Grafting
Demystifying Treatment of the Central Neck and Subplatysmal Structures

Global Aesthetics International Multi-Specialty Meeting Miami, Florida
November 2-5, 2017
Prevention and Management of the Stigmata of Facelift Surgery
Patient Acquisition vs Retention
Master lecture
Complete Video Guide to the Central Neck

Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Toronto, CA
October 12, 2017
Integration of Fillers into your Practice – Strategies to Capture and Retain Your Facelift Patient
The Central Neck: A Step-by-Step Video Guide to Management of the Deep Structures

Masters Course in Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Practical Anatomy and Surgical Education ST. Louis, Missouri
September 22-23, 2017
Comprehensive Management of the Neck Lab Instructor

37th JornadaPaulista” of Plastic Surgery Sao Paulo, Brazil
14th to June 17th, 2017
Strategies to Capture and Retain Your Facelift Patient Algorithm for Neck Procedures
Complete Video Guide To Management Of Platysma, Deep Subplatysmal Fat, Digastric Muscles, Hyoid Fascia And Submandibular Gland

13TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June, 2017
Master Lecture: Necklift Surgery: A Video Guide Strategies to Obtain and Retain Your Facelift Patient

American-Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting Park City, Utah
February 24-26, 2017
Barbarians at the Gates: Strategies to Keep the Facelift Patient In Our Practice

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting Mexican Society of Plastic Surgery Symposium on Rhinoplasty, Facial Rejuvenation and Marketing Cancun, Mexico
December 9-10, 2016
Barbarians at the Gates: Strategies to Keep the Facelift Patient In Our Practice
An Algorithm to Choosing the Right Neck Procedure A Complete Video Guide to Surgery in the Central Neck

Practical Anatomy and Surgical Education ST. Louis, Missouri
October 22-23, 2016
Masters Course in Facial Rejuvenation Surgery
Lector and Instructor

12TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June 8, 2016
Rejuvenation of the Neck
3 Pearls in Three Minutes
Moderator: Emerging Technologies in Body Contouring Moderator: Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

XVII International Symposium of Plastic Surgery International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting Sao Paulo, Brazil
March 20, 2016
Anatomy of the Subplatysmal Elements
Optimizing Necklift Outcomes by Choosing the Optimal Operation
The Deep Cervical Fat, How I Treat It Submandibular Gland, Tricks to Improve the Safety Management of the Digastric Muscles

1ST Annual Global Aesthetics International Multi-Specialty Meeting Miami, Florida
October 29-30, 2015
Keep Your Facelift Patients in Your Practice Managing the Neck After you Open It Choosing the Right Neck Procedure

11TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June 12-13, 2015
Management of Neck-Lift Complications
Management of the Sub-Platysma: Fat, Fascia, Submandibular Glands and Digastric Muscles
Maintenance of Your Facelift Patient: Keeping them in Your

10TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June 20, 2014
Treatment Options of Jowls Based on Pre-Operative Diagnosis
Secondary Management of Diminished Fat Injections Secondary Surgery for Suboptimal Neck Lifts

9TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June 27-28, 2013
Site specific Pre-operative Evaluation for Facial Rejuvenation
Secondary Management of Volume Loss After Facelift and Fat Injection with PLLA
Use of 1444nm Wave for Jowl Reduction During Facelift

8TH Annual Multispecialty Cosmetic Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada
June 9, 2012
Multi-modality Approach to Management of the Jowls

AO Challenges and Advances in the Management of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery
July 2008
Focus: Aesthetic Facial Surgery
San Francisco, CA

AO ASIF Advanced Symposium: Advances in the Management of Complications of Cosmetic Facial Surgery
Feb 2007
Diagnosis and Treatment of Laser Treatment of the Face
Treatment of Secondary Nasal Deformity after Rhinoplasty
Lake Tahoe, Nevada

AO ASIF Advanced Symposium: Advances in the Management of Cosmetic Facial Surgery Algorhytmic Treatment of Aging Eyelids Chicago, IL
July 2006
Management of Cosmetic Facial Surgery Short Scar Composite Facial Rejuvenation

17th Annual Tri-State Craniofacial Conference
September 2005
Timing and Techniques in Cleft Rhinoplasty
University of Indiana Indianapolis, IN

American Plastic Surgery Society Annual Meeting Hot Topics in Plastic Surgery
October 9, 2004
Precedex : A New Alpha–Agonist Anesthetic Adjunctive Agent for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Philadelphia, PA

New Techniques In Facelift Techniques Evolving Treatment of the Midface
July 2004
Invited Lecture and Visiting Professor: Northwestern University Grand Rounds Chicago, IL

American Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada
April 17, 2004
Dexmedetomidine: A New Alpha–Agonist Anesthetic Agent for Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Kentucky Society Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting Louisville, KY
September 2003
Invited Lecture: Midface Rejuvenation and Algorithmic Treatment Sources

Chairman 15th Annual Tri-State Craniofacial Conference Louisville, KY
September 2003
Moderator: Update on Legislation Related to Treatment Of Children with Facial Deformities

Chairman AO International Symposium: Challenges and Advances Cosmetic Facial Skeletal Surgery San Francisco, CA
July 2003
Invited Lecture: Facial Rejuvenation with Deep Plane Facelift Algorithms for Surgery of the Midface

University of Louisville Grand Rounds
March 2003
Invited Lecture: Rhytidectomy

AO ASIF Advanced Symposium: Advances in the Management of Craniofacial Surgery Tucson, AZ
February 2003
Invited Lecture: Uses of Botox

Scientific Chairman & AO Faculty Maxillofacial AO Course & Workshop St. Louis, MO
March 18-19, 2002

Chairman, International Advanced Cosmetic Craniofacial Surgery Steamboat Springs, CO
February 2002
Invited Lecture: Cosmetic Midface Rejuvenation Long Term Follow-up Craniofacial Reconstruction with Norian Cement

Maxillofacial AO Course Cincinnati, OH
March 2001
Chairman & AO Faculty

Advanced Craniofacial Symposium Invited Faculty Tampa, FL
February 2001
Craniofacial Reconstruction with Norion Paste

American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons Los Angeles, CA
October 2000
Transconjuntival Mid-Facelift

Kentucky Society Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting Louisville, KY
September 2000
Invited Lecture: Evolving Techniques for Mid-face Rejuvenation

Kentucky Medical Society Annual Meeting Louisville, KY
September 1999
Invited Lecture: The Latest in Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Scientific Chairman & AO Faculty Maxillofacial AO Course & Workshop Charlotte, NC
November 21-22, 1998

Kentucky Academy of Family Practice Barren Lake, KY
October 24, 1998
Maxillofacial Injuries in Sports

6th Newborn & Pediatric Symposium Louisville, KY
October 10, 1998
Craniofacial Implications of the Back to Sleep Program

AO/ASIF Maxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Cincinnati, OH
May 30-31, 1998
Team Approach to Rigid Internal Fixation Techniques – A Basic Course for Operating Room Personnel

Scientific Chairman & AO Faculty Taipei, Taiwan
March 21-22, 1998
Maxillofacial AO Course & Workshop Chang Gang Memorial Hospital

AO/ASIF Maxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Denver, CO
January 25, 1998
Team Approach to Rigid Internal Fixation Techniques – A Basic Course for Operating Room Personnel

Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Monterey, CA
October 25-29, 1997
Advances in Pediatric Plastic Surgery

Tri-State Craniofacial Meeting Lexington, KY
September 5, 1997
Familial Posterior Choanal Atresia

AO/ASIF Maxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Chicago, IL
August 2-3, 1997
Team Approach to Rigid Internal Fixation Techniques – A Basic Course for Operating Room Personnel

AO/ASIF Maxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Redondo Beach, CA
March 8-9, 1997
Team Approach to Rigid Internal Fixation Techniques – A Basic Course for Operating Room Personnel

Sports Medicine University of Louisville Faculty Louisville, KY
October 12, 1996

Tri-States Craniofacial Conference Indianapolis, IN
September 13, 1996
Intracranial Hypertension After Surgical Treatment For Craniofacial Dysostosis Syndrome

Tri-State Craniofacial Conference Indianapolis, IN
September 13, 1996
Use of White Roll Flap Cleft Lip Repairs

AO/ASIF Faculty Maxillofacial Regional Course Louisville, KY
May 1996

AO/ASIF Faculty Maxillofacial Regional Course Mobile, AL
March 1996

AO/ASIF Basic Course Craniomaxillofacial Symposium Louisville, KY
February, 1995
Management of Orbital Fractures & Planning Complex Craniofacial Fractures

Alliant Health Systems/Kosair Children’s Hospital
October 15, 1994
2nd Annual Neonatology Pediatric Symposium
“Plastic Surgery 3rd Dimension”

Tri-State Craniofacial Symposium Lexington, KY
September 9, 1994

University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
March 4, 1994
Invited Lecture: Vascular Malformations Classifications

Management of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
September 19-21, 1993
Tri-State Craniofacial Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 10, 1993. American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons

Autogenous Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Augmentation
April 24, 1993

Ophthalmologic Screening of Infants with Nonsyndromal Craniosynostosis
April 22, 1993
Necessity or Superfluity. American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association

Quantitative Analysis of the Orbit in Unicoronal Synostosis Chicago, IL
October 12
International Craniofacial Symposium

Computerized Mapping of the Topographical Organization of the Human Facial Nerve Vancouver, BC
May 14, 1992
American Association of Plastic Surgeons

Computerized Mapping of the Topographical Organization of the Human Facial Nerve Toronto, Ontario
May 1, 1992
Plastic Surgery Research Council

Somatotopic Organization of the Facial Nerve
June 30, 1991
Missouri Chapter American College of Surgeons

Functional Lower Lip Reconstruction with Innervated Depressor Anguli Oris Composite Flaps Maui, Hawaii
May 3, 1991
Society of Head & Neck Surgeons

Innervated Composite Flaps for Lower Lip Reconstruction Kansas City, MO
April 5, 1991
Missouri State Medical Society

Impact of DRG’s on the Quality of Postoperative Care of Neck Dissection Patients Washington, DC
May 20, 1990
34th Annual Meeting of the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons

Management of Acute Upper Airway Obstruction Louisville, KY
August 22, 1987
Guest Lecture, Fifth Annual Trauma Symposium

Characterization of Epidermal Growth Factors Receptors in Head & Neck Epidermoid Tumors Louisville, KY
July, 1986
Price Institute of Surgical Research Symposium

Epidermal Growth Factor in Head & Neck Epidermoid Tumors New Orleans, LA
October 19, 1986
American College of Surgeons Research Forum

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors In Head & Neck Tumors San Antonio, TX
September 14, 1986
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Dr. O'Daniel published in
"Using a Sculptor's Eye to Customize The Facelift"
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Choosing the Best Plastic Surgeon in Louisville
by Dr. O’Daniel
Are you considering plastic surgery in Louisville? Embarking on a cosmetic surgery journey is a significant decision. If you're searching for the...
Dr. O’Daniel Published In Facial Plastic Surgery Journal: Evolution of the Surgical Net
Summary of the Article: The article by Dr. Thomas G. O'Daniel and Dr. Milind D. Kachare discusses the evolution of the "surgical net" technique,...
Understanding the Preservation Facelift: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Rejuvenation
The preservation facelift is redefining the art of facial rejuvenation. This innovative technique is designed to restore youthful vitality while...